Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you get the values from? The Paypal values shown on SPPDB are taken from The Paypal values from are an average of what they are selling for today in the SPP forums, via Paypal.

Are these trade values or Paypal values? As of right now, the values shown on SPPDB are Paypal values.

Will you ever show trade values here? We are working on gathering trade values together to show them on SPPDB as well. This, as you might know, will take a while but we will keep everyone updated!

Will you ever show the original price at which each item sold for in the Pet Shop on We are still considering this feature, and it will likely be added in the future..

If an item does not show the Release Date, when did it come out? If an item does not show a Release Date, that means it was released BEFORE November 2008. Unfortunately back then, Slide/SuperPoke! Pets did not list the exact dates those items were released.

Will some of the items go up in value over time? If a value is dramatically increased or decreased in the Paypal forums on, we will update the price on SPPDB accordingly.

Are all of the values listed here set in stone? Absolutely not! Paypal values change from day to day. SPPDB is a place for you to start with your prices. The prices here are suggested Paypal values, some people sell items for lower or even higher depending on how quickly they need to sell them. SPPDB was created to help guide you in the right direction when buying or selling via Paypal.

Are you associated with Slide or SuperPoke! Pets? No. We are not associated with Slide, Inc. or SuperPoke! Pets in any way. This is a site run by the owners of, and we are Pet owners just like you!

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