3053 items in category: Furniture
NameIDStart DateType
Circular Chair 201825 $0.25 2009-09-17 coin
Space Bed 201829 $0.25 2009-09-17 coin
Durable Ladder 201830 $0.25 2009-09-17 coin
Metal Can of Rubbish 201843 $0.25 2009-09-24 coin
Bakers Multi-Oven 201854 $0.25 2009-09-24 coin
Cherrywood Sweets Shelf 201856 $0.25 2009-09-24 coin
Bakery Sweets Stand 201857 $0.25 2009-09-24 coin
Bakery Sweets Display 201859 $0.25 2009-09-24 coin
Flag of Holland Sticker 201862 $0.25 2009-09-24 coin
Dutch Beverage Cart 201863 $0.25 2009-09-24 coin
Indoor Set Coin Pack 201872 Unavailable 2009-09-03 coin
Bathroom Set Coin Pack 201873 Unavailable 2009-09-03 coin
Neutral Bedroom Set Coin Pack 201874 Unavailable 2009-10-01 coin
Creamy Colored Curtain 201875 $0.25 2009-10-01 coin
Little White Window 201876 $0.25 2009-10-01 coin
Cream Leather Couch 201877 $0.25 2009-10-01 coin
Little Brown Side Table 201878 $0.25 2009-10-01 coin
Little Brown Stool 201879 $0.25 2009-10-01 coin
Brown Circular Table 201880 $0.25 2009-10-01 coin
Basic Wood and Cream Bed 201881 $0.25 2009-10-01 coin

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