3053 items in category: Furniture
NameIDStart DateType
Comfy Carved Bed 2001612 $0.25 2010-02-11 coin
Chinese Shelves 2001615 $0.25 2010-02-11 coin
Chinese Stool 2001617 $0.25 2010-02-11 coin
Chinese Table 2001618 $0.25 2010-02-11 coin
Mt. Plushmore 2001652 $6.00 2010-02-12 gold
Magical Moving Statue 2001693 Unavailable 2010-02-17 gold
Fantasy Candlestick 2001703 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin
Mystical Torch Stand 2001704 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin
Insightful Crystal Ball 2001705 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin
Blue Gems 2001706 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin
Dreamy Bed 2001707 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin
Illustrious Chair 2001708 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin
Illustrious Couch 2001709 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin
Fantasy Dragon Vase 2001711 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin
Illustrious Table 2001713 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin
Clock of Eternal Wonder 2001715 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin
Magic Door 2001716 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin
Mirror of Wonder 2001717 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin
Purple Stool 2001718 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin
Nice Potted Plant 2001719 $0.25 2010-02-16 coin

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