2909 items in category: Plushies
NameIDStart DateType
Sherry in an Ice Cream Costume 7002845 Unavailable 2010-10-14 coin
Candy Corn Kitty 7002876 $1.00 2010-10-14 coin
George the Dad 7002877 $0.50 2010-10-14 coin
Melanie the Little Sister 7002878 $0.50 2010-10-14 coin
Joel the Big Brother 7002884 Unavailable 2010-10-14 coin
Belinda the Mother 7002885 Unavailable 2010-10-14 coin
Arizonan Saloon Ghost Girl 7002887 Unavailable 2010-10-15 gold
Flying Violet the Witch 7002906 Unavailable 2010-10-18 gold
Melinda the Goth Fairy 7002911 Unavailable 2010-10-18 gold
Sleepily Slothful Sabrina the Witch 7002929 Unavailable 2010-10-18 gold
Envious Witches Ellie and Ethel 7002930 Unavailable 2010-10-18 gold
Wrathful Winnie the Witch 7002931 Unavailable 2010-10-18 gold
Gluttonous Galinda the Witch 7002932 Unavailable 2010-10-18 gold
Lustily Lovey Lucinda the Witch 7002933 Unavailable 2010-10-18 gold
Greedy Gretchen the Witch 7002934 Unavailable 2010-10-18 gold
Vain Victoria the Witch 7002935 Unavailable 2010-10-18 gold
Randal the Dancing Ghost 7002940 Unavailable 2010-10-18 gold
Barnabus The Cemetery Groundskeeper 7002966 Unavailable 2010-10-20 gold
Lady Pauline 7002993 Unavailable 2010-10-21 coin
Mister Phil 7002994 Unavailable 2010-10-21 coin

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